ESPERANZA: Hope for Our Cities–experts reflect

Fuller Reflections from Experts

Larry Cuban, Emeritus Professor
of Education, Stanford University

Esperanza is a documentary that revisits an old genre of schooling in big cities. It is an uplifting film that gives hope to those who work in largely minority schools and classrooms. And for those educators and families unfamiliar with teaching in these districts, it will be an eye-opener. It is worth seeing.

Joel Carpenter, Founder, Nagel Institute for
the Study of World Christianity, Calvin University

By God’s grace, Esperanza has made wonderful things happen in North Philadelphia and is a guiding light for Hispanic ministries nationwide. Thanks to James Ault’s empathetic touch, this film powerfully evokes the meaning and impact of Esperanza’s multifaceted ministry. I hope that Christians all over this land will be inspired and challenged by this film.

Tom Webber, East Harlem Educator,
Activist & Author

James Ault’s film, Esperanza: Hope for Our Cities, is an inspirational story of faith in action. It shows how an entire community can be transformed through the smart, dedicated, action of people working together under the direction of an inspired leader. I found each scene fun and interesting. Most were moving and uplifting. I especially admired how Ault shows the relationship between Esperanza administrators/teachers and their program’s families and their school’s children. The entire Esperanza story dramatically proves that there is, indeed, hope for our cities. 

Lorna Dreyer, Professor, Dept. of Educational
Psychology, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

An amazing story of the pedagogy of hope anchored in practice. This mission driven, holistic approach to creating better societies by building resilience in each individual is an example for so many who are responsible for the education of our nations.

Justo González
Pioneering Hispanic Theologian & Author

Absolutely fantastic–informative, engaging, inspiring, and piercing. When I finished watching the film, I felt like crying and singing for joy, and sharing it with others.

Edwin Hernández
President, AdventHealth University

Esperanza represents a faith filled social transformational engine at the heart of North Philadelphia.  It embodies a best in class, a community development organization grounded in the transformational vision of a liberating faith.  Inspired by the boundless vision of Luis Cortés and the operational genius of Danny Cortés, two brothers, together with their team of educators, social entrepreneurs, artists, and supporters have transformed a community and brought hope to thousands of community members, children, and young people.  They have filled “the gap of the soul”—creating opportunities for the underemployed, mentoring and coaching the young to dream and achieve, unleashing the power of the mind, advancing initiatives by partnering up with others, and garnering the financial support of foundations, government entities, and private donors. In short, Esperanza represents an authentic community organization that lives up to the meaning of its name—a place of boundless and realized HOPE.

Don Siegel, Prof. Emeritus, Smith College
Co-Founder, Project Coach, Springfield, Massachusetts

The film shows Esperanza dealing with just about all the variables linked to inequity depressing opportunities for kids in the neighborhoods they serve. It seems like a wonderful oasis in the midst of a landscape that works to marginalize youth development.