Intimate documentary storytelling
bridging differences in culture
and worldview
“No one appears as a stereotype. It gives a remarkably
candid view.” New York Times
“A seminal opus for bridge-building between fundamentalists and liberals.” Booklist
“The most penetrating and informative material I have ever seen on African Christianity.” Terence Ranger, Oxford
“With scrupulous power it gets us close to these people.”
Los Angeles Times
“A deeply sensitive and finely crafted film.”
Harvey Cox, Harvard
“An important contribution to one of the greatest problems facing the world today.” Karen Armstrong, Author
“Captures vividly the demands and vicissitudes of leadership.”
Ronald Heifetz, Harvard
“Striking, powerful and clarifying . . .” Andrew Walls, University of Edinburgh
P.O. Box 493
Northampton, Massachusetts 01061 USA
We create award-winning documentaries (and writing) that bring audiences effectively into different worlds through intimate, dramatically compelling stories carefully chosen to reveal those worlds. Our work is guided by informed understandings of diverse worlds, and our stories gained through trust with subjects based on such understandings. Our documentary work has proven to have long-term educational uses, which now can only be amplified and enriched in our “YouTube Age,” where the delivery of moving picture online is transforming media of all kinds.
Depending on budget, we draw on leading documentary cinematographers, sound recordists, and editors, carefully matched with the subject at hand. Or, for less expensive productions, we make use of the cost-effective production techniques modern digital video affords. We are keen to help make a difference in the world through the educational and communicative powers that the online delivery of documentary video now makes possible.
Homeless — Four telling stories (10:27)
To view click here.
News & Events
The impressive work of Esperanza in North Philadelphia, featuring its exemplary educational work with inner-city youth. To view click here.

A documentary on Zimbabwe’s gospel music legend–a story of family, faith, culture and music. To view click here.
DOCUMENTARY on KWAME BEDIAKO, one of the great thinkers of the church in Africa, and on his legacy at his Akrofi-Christaller Institute in Ghana. To view click here.
African Christianity Rising
Stories from Ghana (77:00)
Stories from Zimbabwe (73:30)
Public Performance Rights Editions
Institutional Edition
2 films on 2 DVDs
Complete Educational
Edition 4 DVD set
(Includes 23 Educational
Extras running over 3 hours)
“The most penetrating and informative material I have ever seen on African Christianity, bringing out its vitality and variety without ever sensationalizing or exoticising.”
Terence Ranger, Professor of African History, Oxford
“Very inspiring . . . and terribly informative!”
Samuel Kobia, Kenyan former head of the World Council of Churches
“Striking, powerful and clarifying. These films pack more information and present it more tellingly than would vast areas of print.” Andrew Walls, Founder, Centre for the Study of World Christianity, Univ. of Edinburgh, & of The Journal of Religion in Africa
“Teaching how Africa’s world religions intersect with indigenous belief systems pose daunting pedagogical challenges, especially in the West. Ault’s impressive documentaries effectively challenge the sensationalism notoriously persistent even among intelligent lay learners . . . and are essential teaching tools in African studies.”
Olufemi Vaughan, Professor, Black Studies, Amherst College